November Updates: Hello there!

Yes, I know it’s been a while since I’ve done a monthly update/newsletter thing, but, well, life happened and lots of change came with it… 

The biggest change many of you already know: My Wife and I have left Switzerland and are in the process of moving to Ireland. The Wife is already there, setting up shop, as it were, because we’ve bought a house, which is both a house and what used to be an old shop! It’s a really cool house in a very tiny town in Ireland, and I’m really looking forward to being there as soon as I can get there!

As for myself, I am currently staying at my parent’s house in Florida. My Dad was ill over the Summer, but is now recovering (thankfully!). I’m also waiting for my Irish visa to go through. I’m not sure exactly how long I’ll be here, and I miss The Wife terribly, but we’ll get through. For now, to keep busy, I’m doing my Twitch streams, getting some swimming in, and helping out my parents as I can.

Book-wise, I’ve been really busy since the book launch in February. Amazingly enough, I ended up writing 3 more novels:

Book #5, Nemetona, is a direct sequel to Unity, Colony, and Consortium. It’s about a smaller AI ship named Nemetona, who, like Loki, is a different kind of AI than her siblings, and the timelime overlaps with the previous books. This book has gone through the editing stages and soon it will be sent to my proofreader. My Awesome Wife will then be doing the formatting and cover for it again. I hope to have it out sometime in the first quarter of 2024.

Book #6, Control, is actually set just after Survey and before Unity, so I guess technically it’s Book #1.5. This book is primarily Lulu’s backstory, but it also gives more insight into the Librarians of Sun Tzu and why the events in Unity happened the way they did. This book is still with my Wonderful Editor, and I hope to have it out sometime in the Summer, or early Fall of 2024. 

Book #7, Zeno’s Quicksand, is mostly set 20 years after Nemetona, and follows the crew of Mercury on their journey to Andromeda. This book is still in the early editing phase, and will probably be out towards the end of 2024. 

Actually, now that I think about it, I technically started 4 novels, because I recently stared the web serial called The Hermit, which is a kind of experiment in using a scifi novel to talk about my Spiritual Tradition and Theology. The first 7 chapters are posted, but I’m on a bit of a break for the moment. I’ll probably get back to it after the Holidays. Watch this space for release dates and new chapters!

In other news, my Twitch stream time has changed to 7 to 9 PM US Eastern time Monday-Friday. Apologies to my European friends, but this schedule works best for me while I’m still in Florida. I’ll more than likely change it back to my regular time when I get to Ireland. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and now TikTok to get the most up to date information and any changes in my Twitch schedule! You can also join my Discord servers!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my US folks! I’m looking forward to Turkey Day this year, since I’ll technically be having two! (A chill day this Thursday, and then we have relatives coming in next week, so lucky me!) I hope you all have an excellent day and many tasty noms!

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